Tag Archives: Bread

Hoppin’ John, Greens & Cornbread

Happy New Year!  Starting the new year with a mess of greens, Hoppin’ John or black-eyed peas and corn bread is a southern tradition said to bring you luck and prosperity in the New Year.  According to tradition you are to have 365 peas (one for each day of the year), yellow corn bread to represent gold and greens to represent folded money in your wallet.  I have to wonder how this tradition really got started because to me this seems like the perfect meal to get you back in form after a night of celebrating, just saying…

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All Saints Day and Pan Dulce – Mexican Sweet Bread

November 1 is All Saints Day, a day to celebrate all saints, known and unknown.   In Mexico All Saints Day corresponds with the first day of Day of the Dead celebration.  We’ve all seen the skeletons and skulls associated with the Day of the Dead but have you ever tried the Pan Dulce or Mexican Sweet Bread baked for this celebration?

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The Bread Baker’s Apprentice: Lavash Crackers

Its been a hectic and travel-filled fall and my weekly The Bread Baker’s Apprentice home bread baking regiment has suffered as a result.  It’s a new year and a fresh-start so back on track.  First bread up is a cracker; Lavash Crackers. Continue reading